American Football in PNG Turning Heads

September 8, 2020

By Post Courier

American Football BY TROY TAULE American Football being played here in PNG? Yes, you better believe it because it’s true. You’ll find them – more than 40 youths playing the sport every Saturday from Sam-10am at St Therese primary school in the nation’s capital.

The man behind all this is the President of the PNG American Football Federation, Timothy Jim. Jim was first introduced to American Football while studying abroad at Adamson University in the Philippines from 2014-2017.

“I played running back for a team called the Flower Power Tigers in the Philippines American Football League. I loved it.

“It was from there I decided to introduce the sport in PNG when I returned,” said Jim.

While still in its infant stages, Jim says the sport is already turning heads with the interest out there.

“Right now we’re only just playing Flag Football which is the non-contact version of the sport. It’s still new so we want to keep it simple for everyone to learn.

‘We started with only seven players in February of this year and now have over 40 turning out every Saturday to play trial matches.

“Progress is being made with the PNG American Football Federation registering in March with the Investment Promotion Authority.Buy now High-Quality replica rolex Deepsea watches for the best price on website.

“Talks are also underway with the PNG Olympic Committee and PNG Sports Foundation.

“I am planning to have a tournament here in Port Moresby in November.”

A further boost to this new endeavor came last week Thursday when Jim received a letter from the Managing Director of the International Federation of American Football, Andy Fuller, who wrote recognizing the PNGAFF and acknowledged PNG is actively engaged with the IFAF, and is securing allied membership.

“I believe what has been started can grow and become something. Not every kid out there can make it into the top levels of sports like rugby league in PNG. The PNG American Football Federation can provide alternative opportunities for exposure to the outside world.”